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Donating is an integral part of our center’s success. Your funds allow us to provide much-needed services to those in our community. Best of all, you can be assured that you are helping to make a difference for those in need.

There are several ways to donate. You can either make a direct donation to our center, or take advantage of our partnership with Seven Weeks Coffee.

Why Donate?

You may be wondering why your donation matters. Why should you give money to our cause when there are many worthy organizations you can focus on?

The answer is simple. The tide is turning in our country. People are realizing the devastation and hurt that abortion causes, and they want to support women in any way they can. Abortion is not the easy solution to problems like lack of material resources or the financial means to raise a child. Help is available, and that’s where pregnancy resource centers like ours come in.

Care Net Pregnancy Center of Cochise County offers much-needed services to pregnant women, including pregnancy tests, first-trimester ultrasounds, and support services. The need for these services in our community is great, and that’s why we need more help than ever before to ensure we can meet those needs.

With a donation, you are doing more than just giving money to a great cause. You are helping to secure bright futures for women, men, and their babies. They receive the resources, referrals, and education they need to stand strong and make courageous decisions every day.

What is Seven Weeks Coffee?

Seven Weeks Coffee is a pro-life coffee company that donates 10% of every sale to pregnancy care centers like ours. When you click on this link, you’ll be taken to their website, where you can easily make your donation.

A newly-founded company, Seven Weeks Coffee, has donated thousands of dollars to pregnancy care centers across the United States. Join their incredible mission today by ordering a bag of coffee for yourself!

Donate to Care Net Pregnancy Center of Cochise County

Please complete the form below to make a secure donation. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

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