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When you think about parenting, many things may come to mind. Some women have wonderful childhoods with loving, supportive parents. Others feel that adversity finds them at every turn, and they may have strained or nonexistent relationships with their parents.

It is important to remember that your parents’ story, whatever it may be, is not your own. You are courageous and strong enough to forge your own path. Though parenting may seem daunting, you are equipped to face it head-on. It may very well be the best, most joyful decision you’ve ever made.

Give Yourself Time to Think

Think about these questions when considering parenting:

  • What do I need to be a successful parent?
  • What are my own experiences surrounding parenting? Were they positive? Negative?
  • Do I have a strong support system in place?
  • Am I financially stable enough to have a child?
  • What am I most afraid of when it comes to making this decision?

Asking yourself the questions above will get you thinking about this option. Know that if you decide to parent, you won’t be alone.

Resources Available to Parents

There is a plethora of community resources available to parents both new and old. Sometimes, it takes a village to raise a child, and you should never be made to feel that you need to embark on this journey alone.

If you decide to parent, Care Net Pregnancy Center of Cochise County offers a number of helpful resources, including BrightCourse classes for men and women, our Earn While You Learn Program, and a variety of material resources like diapers, wipes, formula, hospital stay kits, and pads.

It is important to know that many support services are available to men, too. Whether you’re a single father or embarking on this journey with your partner, there is help for you. You don’t have to do this alone.

We also provide emotional support for every stage of parenting. If you need a listening ear or sound advice, know you are welcome here.

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Know my options.